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This 5th edition of the Malta Diaries is a vlog of the day i went to Mdina, the ancient capital of Malta, after school and the day we went to Popeye Village after school!
It was a tough last week of my three-week stay, but i had a great time touring around the rest of Malta’s tourist attractions.
But it was a lot of fun, and all of the places were very nice and historical!
Next time I’ll bring you the vlog of my day in Valletta after school!
I hope you enjoy it!
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#vlog #Yokohama #大学生 #マルタ #Malta #短期留学 #PopeyeVillage #ポパイビレッッジ #ポパイ #マルタ留学 #イムディーナ #Mdina #afterschool #放課後
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