アメリカ留学生の自由すぎる1日丨A day in NY【アメリカ留学】

waltz – チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします!



I filmed a day in my life in New York. You can feel the freedom of the classes, the American sized pizza, and the American atmosphere!
It’s getting hotter these days. In New York, there are people here and there with their tops off, which makes me feel like I’m in U,S. This is my first time to visit U.S in the summer, so I’m really looking forward to it. I will make a video of that too, so please wait for it! Starting this week, We’ll be posting twice a week! We’ll be posting more often, so be sure to stay tuned!

We’ll be posting every Monday and Friday at 5pm!

yuta :
kota :
waltz : https://mobile.twitter.com/waltz_yutakota
yuta : https://twitter.com/yutawaltz?s=21
kota : https://twitter.com/waltzktz?s=21
waltz :
yuta : https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSeW73MjP/


#アメリカ留学 #留学 #語学学校 #ニューヨーク #ニューヨーク留学 #アメリカ #grandcentral #newyork #vlog #waltz #nyc #2022