[JP/ENG] 14歳で留学を決断した妹に質問してみたら.. [Q&A] With My Sister Who Decided to Study Abroad at 14 Years Old 🇲🇾👧

みなさんこんにちは☺️ cocoです🌼


Hi guys! It’s coco💫

In this video, I asked 6 questions to my sister who decided to study abroad in Malaysia🐱I hope this will be helpful to those who are going to study abroad or are interested in studying abroad!
If you have any questions ask me in the comments🌛

0:00 OP
0:28 1. What was your initial idea of studying abroad?
1:28 2. Did your feelings change after a month you came to Malaysia?
3:08 3. Why did you decide to study abroad?
4:14 4. Do you think it’s a good idea to study abroad at a young age?
4:55 5. What was the most struggling thing you experienced when you came to Malaysia?
6:27 6. Do you have any advice for people who want to study abroad?
8:27 ED

Music: https://otologic.jp/
#マレーシア留学 #マレーシア#留学 #インターナショナルスクール #Q&A